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Our story

The Group's Origins


Soci ft

Foundation of Florencetown

Luca Perfetto and Urbano Brini, college friends and travel enthusiasts, start their own travel company, Florencetown, focused on designing high-end experiences in Florence and Tuscany for foreign travelers. In 2012, Patrizio Motevecchi joined them as an investor partner.



Foundation of Italy eXPerience

Saverio Castilletti, after decades spent working in Marketing, founds with Chiara and Franco Paioletti ItalyXP, an innovative marketplace that brings together tourism experiences provided by local tour operators all over Italy.



We meet each other

In the hustle and bustle of one of the many travel trade fairs around Europe, ItalyXP and Florencetown ran into each other. That is the beginning of years of successful partnership.



Network of tourism companies

Florencetown becomes a member of Preferred Network, create by ItalyXP together with other enterprises of experiential travel in Italy.



Arno Travel becomes part of Florencetown

Florencetown welcomes the acquisition of Arno Travel – Florentine on site travel planner since 1969 -as the luxury division of the company, specialized in tailor-made travel design and events.



Things are going great

Italyxp, Florencetown and Arno businesses are constantly growing in their own field. That is a golden year for experiential tourism and their partnership is strengthened after many more travel trade fairs, emails and business visits.


Piazza vuota

The unprecedented disruption

Covid-19 pandemics freezes the entire world and hits hard the travel and tourism industry, like never before. It is among the most damaged global industries.



Turning problems into opportunities

In the midst of the apparently never-ending pandemic crises, Saverio is keen to visualize opportunities lying underneath difficulties and involves Luca and Urbano in the idea of joining forces to build together their own way to revival to the next normal of tourism. The greatest opportunity is about to arise.



Together we can make a bigger difference – Towns of Italy Group foundation

From the shared core beliefs and visions of ItalyXP, Florencetown and Arno and their leaders the project of the first experiential travel group in Italy was born and received a significant round of investment from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP venture sgr) and a private equity firm. This project has now a name: Towns of Italy Group.


TTG 2022

Florencetown diventa Towns of Italy

Towns of Italy debutta ufficialmente a TTG Travel Experience 2022: il modello di creazione di esperienze ormai consolidato di Florencetown si estende in tutta Italia.  Experience makers: produttori di esperienze su scala nazionale.


Team inaugurazione sicilia

Apertura della sede di Palermo

Inauguriamo il Towns of Italy Tourist Hub & Cooking School nel cuore di Palermo: un punto di riferimento da cui parte ufficialmente il nostro percorso di sviluppo nel Sud Italia, con il contestuale avvio della linea di prodotti esperienziali nella regione. 


firma medtrek

Towns of Italy Group acquisisce Mediterranea Trekking

TOIT Group S. p. A. - Towns of Italy Group ha completato l’operazione di acquisizione di Mediterranea Trekking - Medtrek S.r.l., tour operator incoming specializzato in esperienze outdoor & active in Sicilia che offre un’ampia gamma di servizi per attività di alta qualità. Si rafforza il nostro presidio territoriale in Sicilia e ci consolidiamo ulteriormente come leader nel settore


acquisizione groups and fit

Towns of Italy Group arriva a Pompei

Towns of Italy Group (TOIT Group S.p.A.) ha completato l’operazione di acquisizione del ramo Gruppi & F.I.T. (For Individual Travellers) da Torres Travel, tour operator incoming con sede a Pompei e ha contestualmente sottoscritto un accordo per lo sviluppo congiunto di servizi turistici esperienziali (visite guidate, escursioni e attività) nell'area.